How to Celebrate Your Scholar Athlete | Orange County Senior Athlete Photos

Orange County Senior Photographer

Celebrate College Commitment

Anyone who knows a student athlete knows how hard they work. Personally, I don’t think I’ve ever had my schedule more jam-packed than it was right before leaving for college! While working adults certainly carry their fair share of responsibility, the school schedule of a scholar athlete is grueling, and deserves to be commemorated, especially when all of that hard work paves the way for a college scholarship!

When working with seniors who fall into this category, I make sure to emphasize the importance of celebrating both their past accomplishments and future commitments. Here’s how:

Celebrate the Past

To acknowledge his or her late nights and sore muscles after long practices and extended study sessions, we celebrate the scholar athlete by honoring the places they spent time at during this chapter. The football field, for example, is a great location for senior athlete photos for a senior who left their blood, sweat and tears on that very turf. The same goes for a softball field, where seniors like Angie and Brooke threw, batted and trained their way to college scholarships. Gracie earned her scholarship by spending hours upon hours in a pool, leading to a diving scholarship at her dream university.

Beyond the athletic arenas, though, there are also locations where the scholar athlete was supported, or where they were able to let loose. That’s why it’s fun to incorporate locations like the beach, where a student athlete may have spent the weekends relaxing with their friends (when they didn’t have a sporting event, of course). Other fun locations include favorite restaurants, outlooks or shopping malls where the senior spent their off-time.

Celebrate the Future

Celebrating the senior’s many accomplishments during a photo shoot is all about living in the present moment, while looking ahead to what’s next. For many scholar athletes, the future holds a college scholarship! During the photoshoot, this can be celebrated with the university hoodie, t-shirt, flag or colored confetti. Refer to the gallery of scholar athlete photos below for ideas and inspiration!

Shout Out: Senior Parents

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Let’s not forget one of the primary reasons we see so many of these intelligent athletes succeed. Parents, we see you and are so thankful for all you do for your students, and especially your seniors! Don’t forget to hop in for a photo at the end your senior’s shoot.


Are you an Orange County senior athlete in need of photos?


Jenna Renee

It only took me nine months of working in the data analytics industry post-graduation to realize that I was destined for something greater.

Hungry for a creative career that enabled me to leverage the power of photography and social media—while capitalizing on an unrelenting work ethic—I turned my side hobby into a living, breathing business. 


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